

Includes 2019 AUA Guidelines on Early Stage Testicular Cancer and 2010 CUA Consensus Statement on Germ Cell Tumours



Risk factors
Natural history
Diagnosis and Evaluation



Ultrasound images of seminomas

(a) Seminoma usually presents as a homogeneous hypoechoic nodule confined within the tunica albuginea.

(b) Sonography shows a large heterogeneous mass occupying nearly the whole testis but still confined within the tunica albuginea, it is rare for seminoma to invade to peritesticular structures.

Source: Wikipedia


Ultrasonography of embryonal cell carcinoma

Embryonal cell carcinoma. Longitudinal ultrasound image of the testis shows an irregular heterogeneous mass that forms an irregular margin with the tunica albuginea.

Source: Wikipedia


Testicular microlithiasis 131206091733625

Testicular microlithiasis in a patient with contralateral orchiectomy due to testicular malignancy. Echogenic foci viewed in testis as small white spots.

Source: Wikipedia


Right to left drainage pattern of retroperitoneal lymph nodes

Source: UrologySchool.com





Good prognosis

Intermediate prognosis

Poor prognosis (II or greater)


  • Testis/retroperitoneal primary AND
  • No non-pulmonary visceral metastases AND
  • Good markers
    • AFP < 1000 ng/mL AND
    • hCG < 5,000 IU/L (1,000 ng/mL) AND
    • LDH < 1.5 x upper limit of normal
    • (CSI-IIIa)
  • Testis/retroperitoneal primary AND
  • No non-pulmonary visceral metastases AND
  • Intermediate markers:
    • AFP≥ 1,000 and ≤ 10,000 ng/mL OR
    • hCG ≥ 5,000 IU/L and ≤ 50,000 IU/L OR
    • LDH ≥ 1.5 x N and ≤ 10 x N
    • (CSIIIb)
  • Mediastinal primary OR
  • Non-pulmonary visceral metastases OR
  • Poor markers:
    • AFP > 10,000 ng/mL OR
    • hCG > 50,000 IU/L (10,000 ng/mL) OR
    • LDH > 10 x upper limit of normal
    • (CSII or greater)


  • Any primary site AND
  • No non-pulmonary visceral metastases AND
  • Normal AFP, any hCG, any LDH
  • Any primary site AND
  • Non-pulmonary visceral metastases AND
  • Normal AFP, any hCG, any LDH



Special scenarios
  1. Which subtypes comprise non-seminoma germ-cell tumours?
  2. What percentage of patients are found to have metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis?
  3. Which tumours secrete AFP? hCG? What is the half-life of these tumour markers?
  4. What is the primary landing zone of a left vs. right primary testicular tumour?
  5. What is the management of a post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal mass?
  1. Which subtypes comprise non-seminoma germ-cell tumours?
  2. What percentage of patients are found to have metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis?
  3. Which tumours secrete AFP? hCG? What is the half-life of these tumour markers?
  4. What is the primary landing zone of a left vs. right primary testicular tumour?
  5. What is the management of a post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal mass?